You control how you play

Each month I share something that has inspired or provoked me in respect to business, motivation, and maybe even a bit of philosophy. This exercise is great for me, because this allows me to consolidate some of the things each month that have made an impact on me and I hope you benefit too.

It seems possible that we are in a time of change in the market, that the acceleration in values may taper off. There is anecdotal evidence that Auction rooms have slowed down a bit in some areas. This of course does not mean that prices will stall or fall, it may just mean that the percentage of the increase may steady rather than accelerate. For some, this will be a relief. Others in the investment and development game may get caught out. If this acceleration does come down to more usual levels, we will see buyers becoming less impulsive. The panic is likely to leave the room. Properties may sit a little longer. Real Estate Agents pipelines and commission backlogs may look a little less impressive!

And with change in mind, it is a great time to remember that it is you who controls how you play this game. What became apparent this month to anyone who owns investment property or was buying and planning to sell in less than a decade, is that there are many factors in this life that we don’t control. And as we read in the media about a Covid-19 positive test case of MIQ workers, at the back of mind we may be mentally contemplating the possibility of another lockdown. And with these uncertainties in mind, I think it’s super important to remember that you choose how you play. The government might change the investment rules – you choose how you play. We may enter a lockdown – you choose how you play. Your vendor withdraws the property – you choose how you play. And on the positive, you have two purchasers competing over an auction property and you get the best result in the suburb ever. Again, you choose how you play.

When adversity or great good fortune arrives it is often due in part to forces outside of our control. What I am getting at here is that when these events happen, and in times of change they do, it’s a great time to focus on what you do and how you are going to rise and respond to the change.

I heard a line from a successful writer the other day saying that you need to be a tyrant to yourself. This is a great time to remember this, in respect to your habits and your inputs. Focusing in on the things that you can do today that are going to put you in good stead for the future will become more important. In our context, it may mean using more creativity and attentiveness to get those first home buyers to the property, to the Auction, to paper. Reviewing and tweaking our advertising is almost certain to be required. It may require a revision of the pricing of property. Those dealing with developers may find nervousness from their clients as the potential of a market-produced bonus may seem slightly less likely. Home buyers in the new build category may likewise see that the 9-12 month wait for their house may not guarantee an up-swing.

Of course, this is all speculation, the market may continue to accelerate away for now. What is certain is that at some point, this will change its pace.

Regardless of what happens, I challenge you to remember – you control how you play. Play hard, fair, consistently and honestly regardless of what is thrown at you.


WELCOME! I am so pleased to welcome Stuart White. In our first conversation, Stuart immediately ‘got’ the idea. He has really jumped right on board with his own branding. Stuart is operating under his name using a catchy byline – Sell Right with Stuart White. His new look and personalised signage was delivered to his door within a week of Stuart signing up, in time for his first open home on Saturday. We are just putting together his website now and he will be lazer focused on his section of the housing market in Hamilton, continuing his strong relationships with developers, as well as looking after vendors with existing housing.

His first week under his own brand with the support of Independent Agent proved successful and that vendors list with a person – he brought in 5 listings and has more lined up this week. His successful open homes on the back of on-line marketing show what we all know, buyers in the market will be hunting for properties and are not overly concerned about the company that it is listed with. They will of course expect great service once they have engaged with an agent, property, or real estate company.


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