Putting it back in perspective

March was really busy and I’ve been running non-stop for the last few weeks, and as with most of us at one time or another as we run our business, manage family, be a good friend, look after our health, challenges collide and time is stretched even more thinly than usual. This has been me (once again…), this last couple of weeks.

So here is a bit of self-help for me, and from me. Maybe you can mentally file these away for one of those moments when you are under fire from all directions.

In our line of business, it pays to remember that it’s not life or death if a listing goes up on a Wednesday morning instead of a Tuesday night.

It also pays to remember that nothing will ever be perfect, there is always more that could be done, and there will always be someone doing it some other way that might look better and will distract you from the way you are doing it.  

Most people are understanding and with some appropriate communication most hills can be leveled, and valleys can be filled. People who aren’t understanding will never really be happy with whatever you do, and will never be pleased.

When it comes to family, nobody is getting any younger. Your older family members are not going to be around forever and your young family members will soon be off to live their own lives, the key is appreciation. 

Your friends and mates fall into the same category as above.

Amongst all this warm fuzzy appreciation, setting limits and saying no is healthy.

Saying ‘no’ in business can be hard especially if you are in sales… a hard lesson, a must learn.

When it comes to your health, it can be life or death so best not to put off or delay the things that need to be done.

Never underestimate the power of:

Switching off the phone for a few hours

Taking a good walk

Engaging in a hobby or interest

Getting out in nature

Some time out can put it all back into perspective and help you to cope with what is on your plate at this time.

A big welcome to our first commercial leasing agents, Steve Buckley and Cat Parker who have put together their branch, Buckley&Co. They have just got their ‘For Lease’ listings live on Trademe and are looking great. I am looking forward to seeing their signs around town.

With high work rate and real drive and energy, we are looking forward to working with Buckley&Co to help them realise their dreams for their business as they grow their team and their brand.

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Putting it back in perspective